Dearmouring and ReWilding are interrelated aspects of our healing that allow us to move fully towards true liberation and freedom. The work I do as a sexual empowerment educator and…
Last week I received an email from a woman who was very upset because she had taken my Confidence Types Quiz and she was shocked that there were questions about…
At it’s core, self-esteem is about holding ourselves in esteem—liking oneself. Do you wake up each day and love being you? Do you support you? The post 5 Ways Your…
It’s no secret that women are socialized to take care of everyone else, to question ourselves, and to take a back seat in business, money and sex. As women, being…
When we evoke the Fire Woman, we mean from the inside. It’s been a very sad week in California with the fires raging in our canyons and so many people…
I am so grateful for the rain that has washed over the west coast. These fires have been devastating to many and sending love to the firefighters who are risking…
Do you long for more fulfillment sexually and more freedom financially? Do you feel stuck in patterns of worthiness, deprivation or “not-enoughness” around sex and money? Do you want to…
I was walking in Pasadena yesterday and happened upon a local holiday fair, with live music, food, lots of people and a good long line to sit on Santa’s lap.…
On Day One of the 116th Congress, as more women and people of color than ever before poured into the House chambers to do their newly appointed jobs representing the…
People are often confused by what I do when I tell them I am a Sexual Empowerment Coach and Sexuality Educator. The other day someone said, “Oh, so you do…