A Beginner’s Guide To BDSM Many couples tend to get bored after doing the same thing in the bedroom every single time they want to have sexual intercourse and that…
Studies say that most women find it easier to reach orgasm if sex involves cunnilingus. Cunnilingus helps to relax, focus on yourself and your feelings – perhaps more subtle and…
It seems that fingering is underestimated and is considered at best an optional element of foreplay. But in fact, it is a full-fledged sexual practice, which can give a completely…
How to Safely Explore Kinky Fantasies in the Bedroom Whether you have been with your significant other for a number of years and you start to feel that the flame…
It’s summer and everyone is scattering on their adventures. Sometimes you don’t merely need a vacation where you can have fun and relax, you need a sexcation where you take time…
I am continually amazed at the negativity people carry about their sexuality and at how much they will disconnect and defect from this part of themselves, as if it is…
It’s easy to get stuck sexually and just stay there for years. I recently heard from a client who has been so stuck not enjoying sex and avoiding it for…
I’ve spent years studying how confidence works and I’ve found it’s the thing everyone wants the most and yet people don’t know how to develop it and often don’t recognize…